Congratulations to Cadence Capehart for earning Student Athletic Trainer of the Month for December! Cadence is a second year SAT and is a part of the Water Polo and Swim team. She does an amazing job juggling her responsibilities and shows great leadership. Keep up the great work!
The Student Athletic Trainer of the month for November 2022 is Isabella Punchard. As a second year, Isabella continues to show her dedication not only in the athletic training room, but the classroom and on the court. We cannot say enough about her! #friendswoodisd #friendswoodmustangs #friendswoodathletics #athletictraining #studentathletictrainerofthemonth #mustangmindset #mustangheartbeat
Congratulations to Carolyn Rodriguez for earning Student Athletic Trainer of the Month for October! As a senior and first year SAT, she has stepped in and has done an amazing job. We cannot thank her enough for all the hard work! Great job!
#friendswoodisd #friendswoodathletics #friendswoodmustangs #mustangmindset #mustangheartbeat #athletictraining #studentathletictrainer The Student Athletic Trainer of the month for September 2022 is Erin O'Leary. As a second year, Erin has truly stepped up showing leadership skills. She continues daily to improve and is always the first to help out! Congratulations Erin, keep up the good work! #friendswoodisd #friendswoodmustangs #friendswoodathletics #athletictraining #studentathletictrainerofthemonth #mustangmindset #mustangheartbeat Congratulations to Elysia Brown on being awarded as the August 2022 Student Athletic Trainer of the Month! Elysia is a first year athletic training student and has shown great dedication and hard work within our program. We can't wait to see what the rest of the season holds for her growth. Elysia, keep up the good work!
#friendswoodisd #friendswoodmustangs #friendswoodathletics #athletictraining #studentathletictrainerofthemonth #mustangmindset #mustangheartbeat Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine at Clear Lake will once again offer its convenient sports injury clinic for student athletes for all levels on Saturday mornings through the fall.
The clinic is located at 18123 Upper Bay Drive, Suite 200 in Nassau Bay from 9 a.m. to 11a.m. each Saturday from August 20th through November 5th. No appointment required. Bring your insurance information. Mask Required. #friendswoodisd#friendswoodmustangs#friendswoodathletics #athletictraining #mustangheartbeat #mustangmindset #houstonmethodist End of year party for our SATs! We could not be more grateful for their hard work. Too many they are just on the sidelines but to us they are our stars! Congrats to all the award winners!
The Student Athletic Trainer of the Month for April 2022 is Cadence Capehart. Cadence is a 1st year student athletic trainer and has worked football and swimming. She has been a hard worker and has shown great promise. We are excited to see how she grows throughout the rest of her high school career. Congratulations again Cadence, keep up the hard work!
August 2023